Tuesday, October 2, 2012

 Positives of Digital Photography 
  1. Instant feedback
  2. No film
  3. No prints
  4. Easy shooting
  5. Portable  
Negatives of Digital Photography 
  1. It takes a lot of time and its complex.
  2. Takes up a lot of computer memory.
  3. May be very expensive.
  4. Use lots of battery life.
  5. You must have a home computer.

Positives of Print Photography
  1. They retain simple details of a photo.
  2. Has consistency with colors and skin tones.
  3. flexible with all lighting conditions.
  4. various options to achieve different looks.
  5. wide range in depth. 

Negatives of Print Photography
  1. can show grain in images when brought up bigger in size.
  2. you pay for all photos even the ones you don't want.
  3. less convenient than a digital camera.
  4. film needs to be processed before you can do anything with it.
  5. requires a dark room.

Works Cited
"Do You Really Need Digital?" Pros and Cons of Digital Cameras. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <http://www.digicamguides.com/introduction/pros-and-cons.html>.
"The Pros and Cons of Printing Your Own Photos at Home." Photo Paper, Transfer Paper & Inkjet Media At PhotoPaperDirect™. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2012. <http://www.photopaperdirect.com/blog/?p=264>.

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